Commit 2a16cf3c by John Donnal

updated version

parent ac0f3040
Showing with 4 additions and 8 deletions
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
from joule.utils.time import now as time_now
from joule.utilities import time_now
from joule.client import ReaderModule
import asyncio
import numpy as np
......@@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ ARGS_DESC = """
#data rate in Hz
rate = 500
output = /path/to/output
......@@ -97,11 +94,10 @@ class U3Reader(ReaderModule):
grp.add_argument("--rate", type=float, required=True,
help="sample rate in Hz")
grp.add_argument("--channels", required=True)
parser.description = textwrap.dedent(ARGS_DESC)
async def run(self, parsed_args, output):
channels = [int(x) for x in parsed_args.channels.split(',')]
rate = parsed_args.rate
data_ts_inc = 1e6 / rate
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ except IOError:
version='0.5.3', # versioneer.get_version(),
version='0.5.4', # versioneer.get_version(),
description='Use the LabJack U3 with Joule',
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