Commit 14dcf3b8 by John Donnal

updated docs and changed repo structure

parent 7dd8fe88
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from joule.utils.time import now as time_now
from joule.client import ReaderModule
import asyncio
import numpy as np
import pdb
import textwrap
import u3
import LabJackPython
......@@ -12,6 +12,80 @@ import time
import traceback
import sys
LabJack U3 Reader
John Donnal
Read analog FIO/EIO channels on U3 LabJack
Read analog data from FIO and EIO channels on the U3 LabJack. The
FIO channels are on screw terminals and the EIO channels are available
on the expansion board connector. On the HV model FIO0-3
are marked AIN0-3 and accept voltages between +/- 10V. All other channels
are 0-2.44V. *Specify at least 2 channels*
| Arguments | Description |
|``channels`` | comma separated channel numbers (0-15) |
|``rate`` | data rate in Hz |
: float32 with N elements specified by [channels] argument
name = LabJack Data
path = /path/to/output
datatype = float32
keep = 1w
# [channels] number of elements
# units are voltages
name = Channel 0
units = V
name = Channel 1
units = V
name = Channel 2
units = V
#additional elements...
name = LabJack U3 Reader
exec_cmd = labjack_u3
#valid values are [0-15]
channels = 0,1,2
#data rate in Hz
rate = 500
output = /path/to/output
class U3Reader(ReaderModule):
"Read data from U3 LabJack"
......@@ -24,7 +98,7 @@ class U3Reader(ReaderModule):
help="sample rate in Hz")
parser.description = textwrap.dedent(ARGS_DESC)
async def run(self, parsed_args, output):
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
PROJECT = 'LabJack Joule Module'
PROJECT = 'joulelabjack'
# Change docs/sphinx/ too!
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ except IOError:
version='0.5', # versioneer.get_version(),
version='0.5.1', # versioneer.get_version(),
description='Use the LabJack U3 with Joule',
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ setup(
'console_scripts': [
'labjack_u3 = labjack.u3_module:main',
'labjack_u3 = joulelabjack.u3_module:main',
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